Book review: the white coat investor part II
Chapter 8 and 9: The motorway and getting off the motorway And chapter 5 residency and your wealth The author calls the default investing strategy that he thinks you should use “the motorway “to Dublin, based on a saying in the Bogleheads guide to investing. Meaning there are many roads to A place but some roads are faster and more reliable. The fastest and most reliable way is low-cost index fund investing, with annual rebalancing. An example he gives is 40% US stocks, 20% international stocks in 40% bonds but he gives a link to his blog for many other reasonable investing portfolios There are five investing factors within your control, risk, diversification, investing expenses, tax efficiency and behavior. Again, there are many factors outside of your control in investing but focusing on these factors will keep you on track on the motorway. The two main risks are market risk and The risk of not meeting in that your i...